Getting to know Isuamfon Offiong

My name is Isuamfon Offiong and I’m passionate about delivering satisfactions through the words of my hands. I’m constantly learning new things every day and love meeting people who are super pumped about the next big ideas that will change the world for good.

When it comes to blogging business, this has been my full-time hustle for over 5 years, and I can’t explain how I enjoy doing what I love – putting my words into writing and knowing that it helps thousands of people out there.

In retrospect, I feel like superhuman when the positive reviews pour in. “What more could I HAVE asked for in a job?

Isuamfon Offiong Image

As a freelance blogger, I help businesses, solo entrepreneurs and website owners grow by writing in-depth, SEO and human friendly blog posts. The end goal of this is that:

#1. It increases your visibility in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)

#2. The visitors turn to leads.

#3. Leads and prospects turn to buyers – sales

#4. And as an add-on, get shared more on social media for social votes and in turn boosts your traffic going forward.

  My Freelance Publication Niches: 

🔥 B2B | Digital Marketing

🔥 SaaS

🔥 Cryptocurrencies

On the side, you are at liberty to tag me as both your B2B SaaS Freelance Writer and  Cryptocurrency Blogger.

In the University, while I graced a Second-Class Honors as a Civil Engineering graduate, when it comes to Freelance and Blogging Business/Working with clients, I am very much of a big-picture thinker and enjoy working on projects end-to-end, from ideation all the way to execution/fruition.

Yours in Freelance Blogging Business.

Isuamfon Offiong.  

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